Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chesterfield Makeover ~ Revealed

There's a new/old addition to our home.  The vintage chesterfield sofa (found here) I searched for forever and told you about here has been recovered and now has found its place in the sitting room.

This is the spot where  everyone wants to plop down after waking up in the morning or winding down after a full day.  Lots of great conversations take place in this spot.


This is one of my favorite pics of Gavin ~ he looks so dapper.  Meanwhile, Penny is posing like she's the most obedient, well behaved dog ever (don't let her fool you).  None of the guys like for me to take their picture, but when I end up with a good one like this, I think they're happy I do.

In case you were wondering, I decided to splurge on leather for the reupholstery job.  I sourced leather cowhides from a local supplier and changed out the original bun feet with casters I found here.  In the end, I paid a fraction of the cost of a new chesterfield and love its new look.

P.S.  Check out the "before and after" below!  Happy Friday ~ enjoy your Halloween weekend!

Read more about the practice target poster here.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Royal Belize ~ Our Island Experience

A short while ago, I was asked to give a design consult on a project that’s in the works for the island of Royal Belize.  It's hard to believe it's been three weeks since we were at this amazing destination. There really aren't words adequate enough to describe how beautiful, peaceful and special a place this is.

Along with my husband and a few close friends, we embarked on a fabulous four day excursion to this private luxury island.  We were loved up on and pampered by the Royal Belize team who all excelled in the area of hospitality.    

Not surprisingly, it was usually more than enough to just to slow down and be still.

Time to think, or nap or read or simply take in the beauty that surrounded us. 

Lingering around the dining table in the main palapa was an especially sweet time.

Cheryl, Kelley, me, Nate and Leighton

Besides enjoying the exquisitely prepared meals by Chef Manuel, there was uninterrupted time to just sit, hang out and catch up on life with each other.

At sunset one day, I had a turn at paddle boarding and think it might be my new favorite pastime. 

There were times we went jet skiing, scouring the ocean floor for starfish and stingrays.  One afternoon some of us went snorkeling at the second largest barrier reef in the world and were blown away by our underwater adventure.

And then there was the sunset cruise on the Weak Moment that topped the charts for all of us.

It was a lovely evening filled with lots of laughter ~ shared with old friends and new ones alike.

It was moments like this that happened continually on the island that simply took our breath away.

The week was indeed magical and was only enhanced by our island family ~ the Royal Belize team.  We're so thankful for the time we got to share with our new friends.

Thank you for letting me share our island experience with you.  I hope you can enjoy this paradise adventure too.  For more info on Royal Belize go here.  See you soon ~ have a lovely week!

Photos # 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 courtesy of Leighton Eaves
Photos # 10, 11 courtesy of Aurélien Gandon
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