Sometimes life throws you a few curve balls. In case you've been wondering if Tattered Style fell off the face of the planet, I didn't and I've missed being here. I"m getting back in the swing of things and as I promised in my previous post ~ I'm putting up additional pics of Reagan's living room.

The cool art and vintage chair belong to Reagan's roommate, Chris. While many of the other furnishings were in Reagan's previous apartment. Read more about them here.
One of the primary requests for the living room was for it to be edited and clutter free. I think we achieved our goal.
Additionally, the breakfast area was converted into an extra sitting/living area. Bar stools at the counter and a table and chairs on the patio meet dining needs. The best seat in the house is pictured below ~ it's an old vibrating massage chair that still works!
I'm happy to share that Reagan and Chris are quite pleased with their new mid-century styled living room. And in case you are interested, there's a plethora of mid-century modern treasures to be found. Patience in locating the right piece for the right price is all that is required. As proven above ~ a good number of the furnishings were found at wonderful vintage stores.
I hope today you are gearing up for a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.
XO ~ Dana