Monday, August 6, 2012

Hang It Up!

I love hanging with my guys ~ meaning my three sons, Reagan, Corbin and Gavin.  And nothing thrills me more than to help them out with their spaces ~ whether it's with their room at home,  a college dorm or their apartment.  It seems I've been doing a lot of that lately.  One particular art installation I thought was pretty cool was this wall of vintages hangers I put up at Reagan's place ~ an ode to the suits in Mad Men.  I'm digging the way the hangers cascade down from the ceiling.

A DIY project doesn't get much easier than this.  I simply used vintage wooden hangers and randomly arranged them on a wall.  I attached with them with nails so the hanger would rest on the nailhead (directly beneath the hook part of the hanger).

Reagan popped in some photos, a postcard from my recent trip to Paris and a script from his acting days.  You could choose whatever memorabilia of your own to personalize your space.  Happy hanging!


  1. Love the look, but I'm stumped. How are the hangers hung?

    1. I used nails ~ although it's difficult to see them in the photos. I tried to position them so they wouldn't be noticeable. The hangers are resting on the nails (directly beneath the hook part of the hanger). Hope this helps. :)


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