Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I love so many things about this stack of old Bibles.  I love the way the edges are worn and tattered.  I love the way the gold lettering is just peeking through on some of the spines.  I love the dogeared pages ~ that tell me they've been read, looked through and pondered over.  I love the markings and writings on the pages ~ the margins are filled with thoughts and numerous passages have underlinings.   This little tower of Bibles that I've inherited represent many loved ones and the faith they have had down through the years.  They bring comfort and peace to me.  


And yes ~ I even use these to help bring heart and soul to my home. 

They've rested on mantels and sat on shelves.  Here they sit next to an old Indian printer's block ~ the carved cross in the pattern is what caught my eye ~ notice how it's echoed at the top of the board below.

The Bibles are also accompanied by a wonderful old church attendance board that I found in an Arkansas junk store.  Not too many years ago, boards like these were used to display Sunday School attendance in churches.  Someday I hope to run across some old numbers and letters to slide in the slots. 

These Bibles especially bring peace to me this week ~ not the Bibles themselves but Who they represent and the hope His words bring.  Corbin, our middle son, who has experienced seizures since he was a young boy, will be having surgery on Friday.

He's an extraordinary and courageous young man and never complains.  Our hope is that the procedure will reduce the frequency and severity of the seizures.  If you think about it, would you please say a prayer for him?  Thank you. :)

P.S.  The top two photos were taken by a friend of mine and an amazing photographer ~  Amanda Kate Photography ~ be watching for a future post about Amanda and more of her great work.


  1. Putting precious Corbin on my calendar this week to pray for. Pray all goes well!

  2. So beautiful! Will be praying for Corbin!

  3. Pinned one of the bible pics to pinterest! The Chapel will be lifting Corbin up. God bless you!

  4. How is Corbin? Just said a little prayer, I think he already had the surgery. So praying for a great recovery.


  5. Hi Lori ~ Corbin has been recovering at home and has had an optimistic attitude with everything ~ for that we are so grateful. Time will tell how effective the device is. Thanks so much for thinking of him and praying for him! :)

  6. Hi Dana,

    I love the bible display....brought tears to my eyes.
    I'll be praying for your son, Corbin.


    1. Thank you Jean ~ especially for the prayers for Corbin! XO

  7. I love the church attendance board, my church still uses ours.

    1. I love it too! So charming and very special. I love that your church still uses one. Thanks for stopping by and for the comment!

      :) Dana

  8. the bibles are truely beautiful, I have a few and will be displaying them as you have done.
    Hope Corbin is better . Thank you again. Jo Isle of Anglesey, North Wales, UK

    1. Hi Jo ~

      Thank you for your kind comment. I'm happy to know you will be displaying your treasured bibles. Thank you also for you well wishes for Corbin. He is truly a blessing.

      All the best to you ~ Dana
