Thursday, August 15, 2013

BINGO ~ Marker Magnets + Electrical Panel Magnet Board

I'm currently in the process of converting the garage space into my office/studio.  One necessary evil I'm having to deal with is the unsightly electrical panel.  Instead of trying to hide it, I decided why not use it to my advantage as a magnet board.  It gave me the perfect excuse to pull out the vintage bingo markers my hubby gave me as part of a Valentine's gift several years ago.  I've been holding out ~ knowing someday they would be of use.  

The bingo magnets were easy to make.  I simply glued magnets (you can find them here) to the back of the bingo markers with E6000.  I let them glue dry overnight before using them.

You may have noticed the not-so-tidy paint job around the panel door ~ no worries ~ the whole room is in the process of a makeover.  I'm so excited about my creative space!

Oh, and if you are interested you can see another magnet project I did here ~ using leftover foreign coins.  Now I have two sets of magnets with a story.  :)

XO ~ Dana